Day 3 of 38th Health Week Celebration: Public Seminar Series and Inter-level quiz competition

On Tuesday, the 26th of March 2019, you could not utter a word, but to gaze as if you were a peeping tom and admire immensely any nursing student you came across anywhere on campus. You would have been definitely confused as to whether you were in the British House of Parliament or in the mist of angels if you found in the School of Nursing and Midwifery premises.  It was the official day of the week’s celebration and students did not spare it. The students observed it to the max.  The gentlemen were looking smart, dignified and responsible and the ladies were decent, gorgeous, angelic and as attractive as the highest field magnet. Their shoes, suits, dresses, hair style, perfume and even their grammar were too extraordinary. They also enjoyed professional photography to help keep the memories of the day close and fresh.