SONM Library

Library Collection

The subject scope of the School Library collection reflects the courses and programs in the School.  The Library collections are very rich in Medical surgical, Nursing Management Information Systems, Nursing Administration, Pediatrics, Pathophysiology, Community Heath Nursing, Maternal–Newborn nursing just to mention a few.  Other allied subject areas covered are Nutrition and Social Psychology etc.  Every effort is made to acquire all Ghana Government publications and others on Ghana.

Mission Statement

The mission of the SONM Library is to achieve excellence in the provision and promotion of world-class Health information services to support teaching, learning, research and outreach programs of SONM using knowledgeable, competent and experienced staff and state-of-the-art technology


The vision of SONM Library is to be the pivot of the teaching, learning and research activities of the school and foster good health and comfort to people.

Objectives of the Library

The basic objectives of the SONM Library are:

  1. To acquire, organize, store and disseminate books, periodicals and other library materials that support effective teaching, learning, research and other outreach programs of the School.
  2. To provide the physical facilities and equipment to enhance the most effective use of the library resources in the school.
  3. To teach library users the most effective and efficient use of the library and its resources.
  4. To assist and cooperate with faculty members in their teaching, research and other outreach programs.
  5. To cooperate with other libraries, in the University Community in particular, in resource sharing.

Administration Organization

The SONM Library has staff made up of Professionals and Para professionals.

Organization of Library

The library services virtually involve Acquisition, Classification/Cataloging, Circulation, Reference Services, selective dissemination of information, etc.

Library Rules

  1. All students are required to bring their identification cards when visiting the library
  2. Readers must not bring into the reading areas attaché cases, handbags, folders and newspapers.
  3. All MOBILE PHONES must be switched off in the Library premises.
  4. SILENCE must be observed at all times in the Library including the corridor leading to it and any communication with the Library Assistants and among readers must be done as quietly as possible.
  5. Users leaving the Library must show to the librarian books or papers in their possession.
  6. Patrons must co-operate with Library officials when the need arises for body checks to be made.
  8. Food (including sweets and groundnuts) is not allowed in the Library.
  9. Great care must be taken of Library Books and they must not be defiled in any way.  Particularly obnoxious is the habit of some students of writing in Library books in biro, which cannot be erased.  Any defect in or damage to a book should be reported to the Library Staff.  Patrons will be held responsible for any damage to a book while in their possess
  10. Library Offences : – (a) Loss or misplacement of books and related materials (b)Unlawful acquisition of books and related materials (c) Mutilation of books and related materials.
  11. Sanctions: - The following sanctions shall be applied to these offences – (a) Loss or misplacement of books and related materials.  A member who commits this offence shall be liable to pay the current price of the book, plus a service charge.  (b) Unlawful acquisition of books and other related materials.  A member who commits this offence shall be dismissed from the University.  (c) Mutilation of books.  Without regard to the category of books mutilated, a member who commits this offence shall be dismissed from the University.
  12. Permission to use the Library may be withdrawn by the Dean or the Librarian from any reader for breach of the rules in force at the time, or for any other cause that may appear to the Dean or the Librarian to be sufficient.

Library Users


The SONM Library Users comprise students, academic staff and other members of the University community.   Other members of the public are to obtain permission from the Librarian and must be willing to show their student or staff identification cards.

  • Institutional Repository – Publications arranged alphabetically by authors under various departments and under authors.
  • Library Catalogue – It will take one to the Balme Library Home Page to conduct the search.

Term Time

Monday – Friday        9am – 5:00pm

Saturday                   Closed


  • Reference Services
  • Lending Services (Staff only)
  • Inter-Library loan Services
  • User education.
  • Library News

Contact Library

You may contact the SONM Librarian on the first floor of the SONM building, Legon campus.