The University of Ghana Nursing and Midwifery Students’ Association (UGHANMSA) is a delegacy of students which includes undergraduates and post graduates (MSc and MPhil). The aforesaid students’ association has contributed immensely towards the high soaring image of the School of Nursing and Midwifery which in itself has produced extremely exceptional and dynamic individuals that have proven to be outstanding in various fields of professional strive, health and beyond since its origination.
UGHANMSA is the students’ functional body and establishes an affable relation between the Nursing and Midwifery school’s management and members of UGHANMSA and the collective world. UGHANMSA represents about 450 students within the institution. It is headed by a competent executive board which is made up of a highly motivated and selfless President, Vice President, General Secretary, Treasurer, Organizing Secretary, Public Relations Officer and Womens’ Commissioner who are equally competent and up to the task.
UGHANMSA executive board at regular times organizes corporate and educational seminar conferences to equip UGHANMSA members with extracurricular syllabi knowledge granting them an opportunity to explore other areas of knowledge acquisition other than nursing; thus to make them well-versed for the job market. Our students are found and employed in highly recognized health institutions in the country and beyond. Reputable health institutions all over the country have all benefited vastly from the quality and caliber of students churned out as JCR members within the University of Ghana School of Nursing and Midwifery.
It is hereby very pertinent to state that management of School of Nursing and Midwifery have played a very salient role in unearthing potentials, talents and ideas of UGHANMSA members, which has helped in reaching such heights. UGHANMSA is considered as one of the most respected and reputable associations in the University of Ghana environment. This is hallmark could not have been achieved without the relentless contributions of UGHANMSA.
UGHANMSA is made up of the following structures that see to its effective functioning:
The Executive Board Committee: This committee is made of a constitutional elected president, vice president, treasurer, general secretary, organizing secretary, organizing secretary, public relations officer and women’s commissioner. Past Presidents that have led UGHANMSA over the past years ensuring that its contribution to the vision of School of Nursing and Midwifery and helping to provide quality human resource for the private and public sector while remaining the best Nursing and Midwifery school in the Country are as follows;
2014/2015- Ms. Alison Amartey, Email: rachlie@yahoo.com
2015/2016- Mr. Vincent Owusu Appiah, Email: chancellorvincent27@gmail.com
2016/2017- Mr. Eric Agyei Mensah, Email: eric_agyeimensah@yahoo.com
2017/2018 - Kwasi Adofo-Kissi, Email: sonogod175@gmail.com
2018/2019 - Caesar Kaba Kogoziga, Email: kogoziga@gmail.com
2019/2020 - Prince Kwesi Anku, Email: quesiprynz000@gmail.com
2020/2021 - Mr. Chris Asamoah Boateng, Email: chrisasamoah15@gmail.com
2021/ 2022 - Ebenezer Bediako Ofeh , Email::ofehebenezerbediako@gmail.com
2022/2023 - Bright Roland Fordjour , Email: brightfordjour98@gmail.com
Email: hkamenyedzi@st.ug.edu.gh / ohenebahabel@gmail.com
Tel: 0551295584
Email: gsdake001@st.ug.edu.com/ dakegodson1221@gmailcom
Tel: 0544937448
General Secretary:- NANCY APPIAH GALE.
Email: Ngappiah@st.ug.edu.gh /ngappiah368@gmail.com
Tel: 0203464777
Email: vkpabitey@st.ug.edu.gh / vkpabitey35@gmail.com
Tel: 0244638801
Organizing secretary :- CHRISTOPHER AKPE-DOE
Email: cakpe-doe@st.ug.edu.gh / ofochris123@gmail.com
Tel : 0594968065
Public Relations Officer:- SOLOMON PANTI ANTWI
Email: antwisolomon215@gmail.com/sapanti@st.ug.edu.gh
Tel : 0549395926
Women Commissioner:- QUANING SERWAA EVELYN
Email:esquaning@st.ug.edu.gh /quaningevelyn@gmail.com
Tel : 0244842497
The General Assembly: It is made up of principal officers, committee heads and committee members and General assembly members that ensure the smooth functioning of the General assembly.
UGHANMSA periodically organizes training programmes and workshops to provide adequate skills for the members of the association. Some of these programs include; Annual health week celebration which provide the platform for seasoned health professionals within and without the shores of Ghana to meet with students and dialogue on relative health issues and nursing related issues.
These programmes helps students brand themselves individually for the corporate world. Training models are normally on public speaking and CV development and communication skills.
UGHANMSA also collaborate with other health organizations and other stakeholders to conduct health screening on campus and outside campus. It also organizes periodic health outreaches with Proffer Aid for people living in remote areas.
To provide opportunities for students to pursue their personal, professional and academic goals. To enhance student educational experiences by encouraging students to participate in group activities that allow them to develop personal and professional relationships, learn leadership and organizational skills and to serve the community in particular and the country at large.